发表日期:2015/9/28 20:13:04 出处:未知标签:} 作者:禄小教师 有703位读者读过
执教内容:Unit 2 What a day! Story time,Unit 3 Holiday fun Story time
6A Unit3 Holiday fun story time教案
一、 教学目标
1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:Bund ,
2. 学生会听、会说、会读和会用句型:Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? Why did you call me? Did you…?
3. 学生能准确朗读课文和理解课文大意。
4. 学生能初步复述课文。
二、 教学重、难点
1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:Bund ,
2. 学生会听、会说、会读和会用句型:Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? Why did you call me? Did you…?
3. 学生能准确朗读课文和理解课文大意。
三、 教学准备
四、 教学过程
Step1 Warm up
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk.
What festival do you like?
Step2 Presentation and practice
1. Teach: National Day , holiday
T: Boys and girls, look at this picture.
What festival is it?
Ss: National Day.
T: Yes, it’s National Day. (Teach: National)
Ss: ….
T; from 1st October to 7th October, Students always have a holiday. They have National Day holiday. (Teach: holiday)
Ss: …
T: After the National Day holiday, students have to come back to school. Look Liu Tao and Mike were in the classroom. They were talking about each other. Can you guess? What were they talking about?
Ss: holiday.
T:Good. But where did they go for holiday? Now, let’s watch and choose.
Ss: Liu Tao went to shanghai. And Mike went to a farm.
T: Yes. Do you want to know more details about their holidays? Let’s try to ask some questions.
Ss: what did Liu Tao do in
T: Good. So what did Liu Tao do in shanghai? Let’s read and find.
S1: He went to the Bund.
S2: He visited his aunt.
S3: He went to
T: Well done. Let’s see Liu Tao’s holiday again. Finish this chart on page 28.
Ss: …
T: what do you know about Mike’s holiday? Let’s try to ask.
S1: How was Mike’s holiday?
S2: What did he do for his holiday? ...
T: OK. Let’s see it together. First, how was Mike’s holiday?
Ss: …
T: What did Mike do for his holiday? Let’s read and circle.
Ss: …
T: Nice. Mike picked some oranges. He went fishing and caught a big fish.
(Teach: catch-caught)
What else did Mike do for his holiday? Discuss in groups.
Ss: …
T: Any more questions? Can you use “where, what, how, did” to ask more questions.
Ss: How were the oranges? How was the fish? Did Liu Tao eat any fish?…
T: Here I have a question. Where was farm?
Ss: …(Teach: Lake)
T: let’s finish this chart.
T: Now turn to reading time. First, let’s read after the tape.
Ss: …
T: Then, let’s read in groups.
Ss: …
T: Here, let’s retell the text together.
Ss: …
Step3 Consolidation
T: Boys and girls, let’s make a new dialogue.
Ss: ….
Step4 Homework
1. Read after the tape three times.
2. Try to retell the story.
3. Write a diary about your last National day holiday and share with me.
五、 板书设计
Unit 3
Liu Tao Mike
a farm
visited… picked…went…
went…visited… caught…
张福立老师执教的是六年级 Unit 2 What a day! Story time 阅读板块,他从时间引入天气,再联想活动,自然流畅,不拖泥带水,简简单单的安排实则紧扣本文文本(diary),这样大大降低了学生对新鲜文本的不适感,也有利于学生梳理文章脉络,特别让人感动的是张老师为大家带来了久违的磁带声,或许有人觉得老土,有人觉得麻烦,但那纯粹又似乎有点嘈杂的声音却一下抓住了我的心,这熟悉而又陌生的录音能让学生静下来听英语原文,那样简单的声音能让孩子真正地听英语文本,想想自己播放卡通片多么方便快捷,时时还能博来学生的眼球,而这嘻嘻闹闹的背后有多少货真价实呢?这着实让我们深思……
史梦娜老师给大家带来的是六年级 Unit 3 Holiday fun Story time 阅读板块,精心设计的课件环环相扣,由学生熟悉的节日引入国庆假期,十分贴近学生生活,在接近文本学习末尾时呈现发散性的问题(Any other fun?),让学生自己挖掘文章的乐趣所在,此时的放手确是点睛之笔——在教学阅读板块时,教师并不一定要教会孩子多少新词,亦或是重点语法句型,重在让孩子能体会英语阅读的乐趣,感受英语语言给他们带来的语言感受,通过老师和自己共同的努力把握文本大意,如此才是真正有效的阅读板块教学。
Unit 3 Holiday fun课文文本大致由Liu Tao & Mike 两人的假期活动构成,教师可带领学生在学习过Liu Tao’s holiday 后,把Mike’s holiday放给学生自主学习,Unit 2 What a day!的文本也是同样道理,在教师列出文本大纲后,可将第二或第三部分留给学生自主完成,虽然学生任务要求有点高,但毕竟经过学生努力跳起来摘到的果子才最为甜美,你说是吗?